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Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Activity #121

Count Your Blessings Good Morning. Today’s practice is about gratitude. Research has

Evaluating competency for execution in older offenders in context of dementia

In Madison v. Alabama, SCOTUS decided that offender’s amnesia of the offense

Mindfulness Activity #120

On Conflict with Others Mingyur Rinpoche Tibetan Buddhist teacher has said that

Mindfulness Activity #119

Tonglen Good Morning. There is much unrest and suffering in the world.

Mindfulness Activity #118

Using Mindfulness to Upregulate or Downregulate Good Morning. One of the main

Mindfulness Activity #117

Mindfulness for Pain Good Morning. Yesterday, I injured my shoulder and it

Undiagnosed Symptoms of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Underlie More Frequent Engagement in Interpersonal Violence

Compared to their counterparts who were not diagnosed with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Mindfulness Post #116

Savasana This week’s mindfulness practices have provided opportunities to push yourself in

Mindfulness Activity #115

Embracing the Difficulties of Mindfulness Practice Good Morning. This past week our

Three Study Tips for Visual Learners

When it comes to processing and retaining new information, everyone’s approach is

Mindfulness Activity #114

Embracing Your Worst Tasks Good Morning. We have been discussing courage…the courage

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