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Three Study Tips for Visual Learners

Three Study Tips for Visual Learners

When it comes to processing and retaining new information, everyone’s approach is different. While some students may need to listen intently to everything the instructor says during the lecture to succeed in a class, visual learners really need concepts to be laid out in a particular format to fully understand the material. If you prefer visual learning techniques, use the following tips to help you improve your study habits and succeed in online training courses.

Add Color

Long-form, handwritten notes may not be the best way for you to prepare for quizzes and exams. As a visual learner, you may get lost trying to memorize every phrase deemed important by your instructor. To sort through the long blocks of scribbled text in your notepad, add color to make the most crucial information stand out during your review. Alternate colors each time you notice a shift in topic; these labels will help you break up information in easy, digestible sections that you can easily refer to as you study. Coordinating colored post-it notes with your labels will also make any reminders stick out without having to dig through your study material.

Draw Concept Maps

Outlines are great, especially for formatting notes for mental health online training programs; however, a handwritten outline may be hard to focus on without the help of detailed visuals. Flowcharts are great for documenting cyclical processes and historical events⁠—they create logical funnels of information that help you connect core chapters from your textbook and link them to the broader theories and research you learn about in class.

Use Flash Cards

It never hurts to refer back to what’s reliable⁠—flash cards! This versatile study tool can help you engage in active recall so that you’ll remember a term, phrase, or concept that you’ll need to know for your next test. You can even utilize prior tips when creating your flashcard deck by adding pops of color or doodles that will make the most important things stand out in your memory.

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