Violence Risk Assessment Certificate
For professionals who want to invest in their careers while earning CEs. With 70 hours of foundational training and 80 hours of specialized content, this certificate program spans 150 hours of content across 10 programs.

What You Can Expect
This Certificate program includes a 10 courses, with 70 hours of foundational training and 80 hours of specialized content. In this program, you will explore:
Whether and under what conditions someone is likely to commit violence.
How to intervene with preventive measures, and manage risk for violence.
The Violence Risk Assessment Certificate
includes 150 CE Hours / 10 Programs for $4,650.
On-Demand Coursework
Our curriculum for Violence Risk Assessment is comprised of 70 hours of foundational training, with 80 hours of specialty training covering the following areas:
Foundational (70 hours)
- Evidence for Forensic Mental Health Professionals
- Ethics in Forensic Psychological Practice
- Cultural Considerations in Forensic Mental Health Assessment
- Minimizing Bias in Forensic Decision Making
- Forensic Case Formulation and Treatment Planning
- Report Writing for Forensic Evaluation
- Effective Expert Testimony for Forensic Evaluation
Specialty: Violence Risk (80 hours)
- Foundations of Violence Risk Assessment and Management
- Assessing Psychopathy using the Hare Scales (PCL-R & PCL-SV)
- Advanced Issues in the Assessment of Risk for Violence: Formulation
We recommend you take the courses in the order they appear above as they build on each other.

You will learn how to demonstrate mastery of specialty skills crucial for different kinds of employers, including:
- Community Mental Health Agencies
- Forensic Hospitals
- Correctional Facilities
- State Hospitals
For each on-demand training program you complete, you will earn a badge which can be shared digitally on platforms like LinkedIn.
NOTE: Programs can be purchased one at a time.
Foundational Programs (70 hours)
Specialty Programs: Violence Risk Assessment (80 hours)
Enhance Your Competitive Edge
Enhance your career by developing a meaningful, in-demand skill set.
For those who wish to enhance their competitive edge, the Certificate in Violence Risk Assessment is a very good option. The training in this certificate program allows professionals the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of specialty skills crucial for many different kinds of employers, such as community mental health agencies, forensic hospitals, correctional facilities, state hospitals, and more.
Increase your chance of getting hired and undergo meaningful professional development with this credential by learning the theoretical, empirical, and practical skills to reliably conduct forensic violence risk and threat assessments.

“Some of the most amazing experts in the field”
“The programs are staffed by some of the most amazing experts in the field, and they made themselves available to me if I followed-up with a question.”
Dr. Abraham Loebenstein
-Ph.D, Psychologist PSY15631

“I don’t know that I would have passed my boards without CONCEPT.”
“Having the downloadable source materials to study from was a huge advantage for my board certification tests, since I could review the content as many times as I needed. I don’t know that I would have passed my boards without CONCEPT, since much of what I reviewed in those presentations were covered in my exam."
Dr. Kyle M. Clayton
-Ph.D., ABPP, Board Certified in Forensic Psychology