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Translating Research into Practice

Three Study Tips for Visual Learners

When it comes to processing and retaining new information, everyone’s approach is

The Importance of Continuing Education in Mental Health Careers

Psychology is a dynamic field, meaning best practices often change over time.

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 2 – Ice Breakers

Presenting a workshop to an online audience is not without its challenges.

What Are California’s Continuing Education Requirements for Mental Health Professionals to Renew Their License?

For mental health professionals practicing in any state, licensure renewal requirements are

How Child Custody Evaluations Can Benefit Children

No matter how amicable, divorce is still a difficult process for all

COVID-19 Resources for Students and Educators

The American Psychological Association has compiled COVID-19 resources to ensure that the

How to Be an A+ Note-taker During a Webinar

If you have a webinar subscription for continuing education or the current

Planning a Group Training for Your Organization

Planning a group training within your company may seem like a daunting

COVID-19 Resources for Psychologists

The American Psychological Association has compiled COVID-19 resources to ensure that the

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

