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DBT Certification

For professionals who want to invest in their careers while earning CEs.


Enroll in the necessary training to develop the theoretical, empirical, and practical knowledge and skills to reliably deliver Dialectical Behavior Therapy according to the model developed by Dr. Marsha Linehan and colleagues.


Total Fee: $2,500 (includes 80 hours of coursework $2,000; can be taken one at a time + 6 months of consultation $500)


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What You Can Expect

This certification will provide participants with a thorough introduction to standard DBT, as well as specific adaptations and strategies useful with a variety of adult and juvenile forensic settings (e.g., jails/prisons, forensic hospitals, juvenile justice settings, probation).

Certification consists of two parts: 80-hours of didactic training in DBT & six-months of one-to-one consultation with a certified DBT therapist while engaged in ongoing delivery of DBT (Note: you must be a licensed mental health professional to become certified in DBT). The total cost of become certified in DBT is $2,500: 80 hours of didactic training in DBT ($2,000) + 6 months of one-to-one consultation ($500).

Our 80-hour in-depth training sequence consists of readings and self-paced, video-based training in DBT. A total of seven on-demand, self-paced didactic training modules are included. These provide the requisite 80 hours of didactic training in DBT to become certified. 

On-Demand Coursework

Our curriculum for DBT certification is comprised of 80-hrs of training in DBT covering the following areas: 

We recommend you take the courses in the order they appear above as they build on each other.  You can take the didactic training at any time but must be licensed to move forward with the consultation sessions x 6 months. 


You will learn how to:

  • Apply and teach the effective DBT skills of Core Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion Regulation
  • Practice skills with hands-on projects and assessments
  • Prepare for a variety of roles in psychology and counseling practice

For each on-demand training program you complete, you will earn a badge which can be shared digitally on platforms like LinkedIn. When you complete all the badge-earning programs listed, you will become eligible to apply to complete six months of consultation. Upon completion of six months of consultation while an active member of a DBT treatment team, you will receive your final certification as another shareable digital credential.


Upon successful completion of the didactic training sequence, licensed mental health professionals who are currently engaged in a DBT, can apply to proceed with certification and complete six months of one-to-one consultation and evaluation.

Participants who meet selection criteria (i.e., licensed mental health professional; successful completion of 80-hours of didactic training in DBT; pass a knowledge test on DBT principles and adherence; currently engaged in delivery of DBT and an active member of a DBT treatment team) will be approved to move forward with six months of consultation.

During this time, you will meet monthly with a certified DBT therapist who will review your diary cards, progress notes, and treatment summaries for 2 clients as well as a case conceptualization and session summaries for 1 additional client. Upon successful completion of six months of consultation while an active member of a DBT treatment team, you will become certified in DBT and receive a digital certification that can be shared on as a digital credential.  

Enhance Your Career

This certification is available to licensed mental health professionals; requirements for certification:

  • Licensed MH professional (counselor, social worker, psychologist, marriage & family therapist)
  • 80 Hours of required coursework in DBT
  • 6 months of consultation calls with a certified DBT therapist to assess implementation and adherence to the treatment model (casebook review; case conceptualization; documentation of skills group & consultation group)
  • Maintenance of certification requires demonstration of competence through continuing education & clinical experience every 2 years

Certification gives confidence to potential clients and employers, helping prove that they will be working with a highly competent professional. 

  • DBT Certification allows clinicians who wish to join an existing DBT team to do so. Clinicians can step right into working in a comprehensive DBT program providing services with full fidelity.
  • Some agencies that provide comprehensive DBT hire clinicians for contract work offering competitive compensation.
  • Experience and training when applying to a clinical DBT job is often preferred. Certification saves the agency time and money when they do not have to train a clinician.
  • The evidence-based nature of DBT makes it appealing to funders when trying to secure grant money.
  • Increase your client load and ensure dependable income with DBT certification.
  • Highly motivated clinicians can create their own DBT comprehensive teams.

Looking to Train a Group?

Contact us to talk about our 20% off group training rate!


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