Mindfulness Activity #131
“All You Need Is Love” By now, if you have been practicing
Capacity to classify feigned symptoms of mental illness and/or cognitive impairment using the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology
Specific cut-off scores used in prior research to classify individuals as faking
Mindfulness Activity #130
Loving Kindness to Help With Equanimity Good Morning. We have been discussing
Mindfulness Activity #128
Mindfulness for Better Sleep Hello. I have been informing you all about
A National Survey of Child Forensic Interviewers: Implications for Research, Practice, and Law
Child forensic interviewers often want, find helpful, and have access to pre-interview
Mindfulness Activity #127
One Second Mindfulness Good Morning. Those of you who know me may
Mindfulness Activity #126
Very Short Mantra Meditation Good Morning. Hope this finds you all well.
Mindfulness Activity #125
Join My Brief Mindfulness Practice Today Good Morning People! In an effort
Mindfulness Activity #129
Equanimity and Attachment Good Morning. As our world continues to be intense
Mindfulness Activity #124
What to Do When Things Fall Apart Good Morning everyone. This morning
Mindfulness Activity #123
More on Equanimity Good Morning. We have been spending a few days
Mindfulness Activity #122
Living Care-Free Good Morning. We have discussed the idea of having an