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Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Activity #165

Progressive Muscle Relaxation Good Morning People! Have you ever woken up, thought

Mindfulness Activity #164

Mindfulness for Fatigue Good Morning. This morning, I was reading a dharma

Mindfulness Activity #163

Radical Acceptance Good Morning! Yesterday, two giant trees fell on my house.

The impact of variations in confession evidence on jurors’ decision-making

Jurors place a heavy weight on consistent confessions, even if confessions have

Mindfulness Activity #162

Inner Critic Mindfulness Good Morning. Today’s Mindfulness practice focuses on the inner

Mindfulness Activity #161

Good Morning! Today’s practice is to greet your day thoughtfully. Before you

Mindfulness Activity #160

Good Afternoon! Apologies for sending this out later than normal. This time

Mindfulness Activity #159

Mindfulness with Music Good Morning. Today’s practice is mindfulness to a very

Mindfulness Activity #158

Mindful Stretching Good Morning! Mindfulness is all about noticing your experience. Because

Who is more likely to experience seclusion? Research seeks to uncover factors predicting in-patient seclusion in forensic psychiatric units

Factors predicting forensic in-patient seclusion are unclear, however some key demographic and

Mindfulness Activity #156

Loving Kindness Independent Practice Week-Day 5 Good Morning. You have made it

Mindfulness Activity #157

Good morning. ️It is a beautiful, sunny day today. Definitely something to

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Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

