Mindfulness Activity #171
Being Effective Good Morning. The topic of today’s mindfulness blast is being
Fit to wear the badge? Assessing police candidate suitability with the MMPI-2-RF and CPI during preemployment screenings
The combined use the MMPI-2-RF and the CPI are effective tools for
Mindfulness Activity #170
Gratitude for Today Good Morning. Today’s practice is about gratitude. We are
Mindfulness Activity #169
Imagination through Art Good Morning. I was reading an article written by
Mindfulness Activity #168
Do One Thing Today I am feeling excited by the prospect of
Mindfulness Activity #167
Top of Breath While Walking Good Morning. Today’s practice can be done
Mindfulness Activity #166
Good Morning. Apologies for my lack of mindfulness yesterday. I got caught
Is Violence Risk Assessment the same across gender? A Meta-analysis of the HCR-20 V3 in female forensic populations
The HCR-20 V3, supplemented by the FAM, is an appropriate tool to
Mindfulness Activity #165
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Good Morning People! Have you ever woken up, thought
Mindfulness Activity #164
Mindfulness for Fatigue Good Morning. This morning, I was reading a dharma
Mindfulness Activity #163
Radical Acceptance Good Morning! Yesterday, two giant trees fell on my house.
The impact of variations in confession evidence on jurors’ decision-making
Jurors place a heavy weight on consistent confessions, even if confessions have