Mindfulness Activity #145
Loving Kindness Series Day 15 Good Morning. Today is Monday and that
Mindfulness Activity #144
Loving Kindness Series Day 14 Good Morning. A recent research study indicated
Mindfulness Activity #143
Loving Kindness Series Day 13 Good Morning. We are exploring the many
Mindfulness Activity #142
Loving Kindness Series Day 11 Good morning. As we continue our series
Mindfulness Activity #141
Loving Kindness Series Day 11 Good morning. As we continue our series
Mindfulness Activity #140
Loving Kindness Series Day 10 Good Morning. I’m feeling gratitude today as
Mindfulness Activity #139
Loving Kindness Series Day 9 Good Morning! Welcome to Loving Kindness Day
Damned if you don’t: False guilty pleas among exonerees
False guilty pleas increase stigmatization of exonerees and limit their access to
Mindfulness Activity #138
Loving Kindness Series Day 8 Good Morning. Welcome to Day 8 of
Mindfulness Activity #137
Loving Kindness Series Day 7 Good Morning. Today will be a whole
Mindfulness Activity #136
Loving Kindness Series Day 6 Good morning! As we continue to practice
Promise for Remote Assessment of Self-Injury: Reliability and Validity of the SITBI-R in both Interview and Online Format
Interview and Online assessment of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors show equal validity