Mindfulness Activity #165

Mindfulness Activity #165

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Good Morning People!  Have you ever woken up, thought of what you have ahead of you for the day and felt agitated before your day has even started? We carry stress in our bodies. I can feel mine in my neck and in my jaws. Take a minute this morning to check in and see if you can notice any tension in your body. Where do you feel it? Thoughts and emotions you experience automatically in response to everyday experiences create stored tension in your body unless you intentionally attend to your body.

Even if you are not feeling particularly tense, intentionally tensing and relaxing muscles is a great way to practice mindful awareness, and to cultivate a relaxed state.

Today, ready yourself for practice by sitting tall and breathing in a few slow deep breaths. You can either choose to stretch different  parts of your body one by one on your own or click the link for a guided progressive muscle relaxation exercise. After releasing an area, be sure to take a deep breath in and out, relaxing all remaining tension on your exhale.

Be well!

