Mindfulness Activity #181
Mindfulness with Music Good Morning. Today’s practice is mindfulness to a very
Mindfulness Activity #180
Loving Kindness for Loss The last half-year has been stunning in terms
Mindfulness Activity #178
Gratitude Good Morning. Today’s practice is about gratitude. Research has shown that
Mindfulness Activity #179
Mindfulness While Cleaning Good Morning. There is a whole industry designed to
Mindfulness Activity #176
Peace and Calm Good Morning. Today’s practice is often considered a winding
Mindfulness Activity #177
Quick Mindfulness for Stress or Fatigue Good Morning. I’m not sure about
Parental incarceration increases risk for juvenile delinquency – particularly for Latinx youth
Sensation seeking, exposure to violence, and parent-child relationship quality were linked to
Mindfulness Activity #175
Rolling with Change… Good Morning. There is a difference between noticing something
Mindfulness Activity #174
Good Vibes… Good Morning. Sitting in loving kindness is a great way
Mindfulness Activity #173
Shoshin Hello. Sometimes we might find ourselves stuck in negative thinking patterns.
What psychotherapeutic interventions should target when treating people with mental illness and criminal justice involvement
To be most successful, when treating criminal justice-involved people with mental illness,
Mindfulness Activity #172
Cat & Cow Spine Stretch Practice Good morning! Mindfulness seeks to have