At what cost? Insanity defense evaluations for misdemeanor charges
Evaluations of legal sanity addressing only misdemeanor charges are not rare and
Mindfulness Activity #198
Persistence Good Morning. Zen teaches us that often our problems often result
Mindfulness Activity #199
Breath to Create Positive Energy Good Morning. Whenever you wake up and
Mindfulness Activity #197
Mindfulness with Light There is a difference between noticing something and being
Mindfulness Activity #196
Mindfulness with Weight Good Morning. Today’s practice involves sensation to weight. Many
Mindfulness Activity #195
Join My Brief Mindfulness Practice Today Good Morning! Cold and rainy here…thought
eHealth in the Forensic Context – What are our Next Steps?
eHealth and Telehealth technologies are booming in the clinical psychological field, however
Mindfulness Activity #194
Willfulness Good Morning. Nothing grows willfulness and anger like willfulness in others.
Mindfulness Activity #193
Using Mindfulness to Regulate Mood Good Morning. One of the main benefits
Investigative Interviewing with Minimally Verbal Adults – Best Practices and New Findings
Investigative interviewing with minimally verbal adults requires a unique scaffolding approach for
Mindfulness Activity #192
Balance Filter Good Morning. Each morning, I get an email that digests
Mindfulness Activity #191
Observe Leaves for Three Minutes Good Morning. Today’s practice involves simply observing