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Mindfulness Activity #197

Mindfulness Activity #197
In This Post

Mindfulness with Light

There is a difference between noticing something and being mindful. Being mindful involves noticing as something happens (not making sense of your experience afterwards) and it involves noticing without judgment.

Today’s practice is to use your senses to take in light and shadows without judgment…

If you can do this practice outside, it’s best. If not, try to sit by a window. Click the link to listen to the bells as your timer. Each bell is a different moment. Light may look different from the last moment. Continue to breathe as you take in and notice the play of light on objects as it shifts and changes. If you like, you can move yourself so you perceive the same thing from different angles. Do not lose touch with your breath throughout.

Now, click this link for a series of quiet bells…

Hopefully you were able to embrace the changing perspective created by light and shadows moment by moment. Embrace change, embrace different perspectives…challenging as it may be.

May your day be bright!

