Mindfulness Activity #145

Mindfulness Activity #145

Loving Kindness Series Day 15

Good Morning. Today is Monday and that day is always a little daunting for me. There is usually a lot to plan and transitioning from weekend to work week can be jarring. It’s a time when many people are sort of prone to negative experiences like fear or worry. One of the benefits of Loving-Kindness practice is increasing positive emotions.
In 2008, Barbara Frederickson and her colleagues conducted a study considering one of the most foundational studies on Loving-Kindness. They found that individuals who practiced seven weeks of Loving-Kindness Meditation their increased positive emotions in their daily life. Specifically, participants reported feeling increases in love, joy, contentment, gratitude, pride, hope, interest, amusement, and awe. They found that those emotions predicted increased sense of meaning or purpose in life, increased perceptions of social support, and decreased symptoms of illness. We could all use an infusion of these positive emotions and the effects of their presence in our lives.

For today’s practice, sit, stretch out your neck and back muscles, breathe in deeply and then click the following link to begin your practice…

Have a great week!
