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Translating Research into Practice

Negative Affectivity as an Explanation for the Overlap between Psychopathy and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

This large study of undergraduate students provides insight into the shared and

Juvenile Offenders with Subclinical Depression Display Similar Delinquent Behaviors as those Diagnosed with Major Depression

Structured clinical interviews show an increased level of aggression, substance use, and

Sexually Violent Person Statutes Differ Considerably Throughout the United States

SVP statutes differ on definitional and procedural grounds, contributing to misapplication and

Does Active Response vs. Observer Role Impact Officer Recall of Firearms Encounters?

A recent study in the United Kingdom suggests accurate recall of details

Childhood Trauma and Risk Factors for Institutional Violence

This large study of a cohort of all admissions to a national

Exclusive Pedophilia and VRS:SO Scores Reliably Discriminate Higher from Lower Risk Sex Offenders

A diagnosis of exclusive pedophilia and scores on the VRS:SO can reliably

Mothers’ Attitudes toward Justice System Influence Adolescent Probationary Success

Mothers’ negative legitimacy attitudes toward the justice system indirectly predict increased youth

A Note to Legal Professionals – Interesting Findings Regarding Bias Screening Procedures in Determination of Juror Acceptability

Factors other than overt, juror-expressed partiality appear to influence challenge for cause

Behaviorally Specific Detailed Assessment Tools Uncover More Intimate Partner Violence Victimization

Behaviorally specific, detailed assessment tools with more items inquiring about different violent

Site Differences Impact Clinician Applications and Predictive Accuracy of the J-SOAP-II

The J-SOAP-II should be used as part of a battery of risk

Gender Differences Apparent in the Use and Interpretation of the SAVRY for Juvenile Offenders

Gender plays a role in the association between the risk/need and protective

YLS/CMI cross-cultural validity uncertain for low-risk Indigenous youth

The YLS/CMI accurately predicts recidivism in high-risk Australian offenders, yet has difficulty

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

