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Translating Research into Practice

New York State Education Department’s State Board for Psychology

Continuing and Professional Studies, Palo Alto University is recognized by the New

New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners

Consolidated Continuing Education and Professional Training, LLC (CONCEPT) is recognized by the New York

Training Influences Technique When it Comes to Police Interrogation

Not only is police interrogation technique related to the type of training

Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)

Palo Alto University, Continuing & Professional Studies (CONCEPT Professional Training) is approved

National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)*

Palo Alto University, Continuing & Professional Studies (formerly Consolidated Continuing Education &

Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB)*

Palo Alto University, Continuing & Professional Studies (formerly CONCEPT Professional Training), #1480,

Risk Assessments Utilizing Dynamic Scores Inform the Management and Reduction of Inpatient Aggression

HCR-20V3, VRS, and START dynamic scores demonstrate incremental predictive validity for inpatient

The Relationships Between Psychopathy, Alcohol Use, and Intimate Partner Violence

The following study examines the combined influences of alcohol use and psychopathy

Strength-based models cannot fully address direct links to future offending in detained girls

Detained girls’ low quality of life is indirectly linked to future offending

Structured Decision-Making Improves Quality of Offender Supervision

The quality of case management plans for supervised offenders is better when

Gender Differences on the PCL-R Indicate that Lower Cut-off Scores

Compared to men, females with psychopathy obtain lower PCL-R scores, are more

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