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Translating Research into Practice

YASI’s Provides High Predictive Validity for Recidivsm in Youth Offenders

The YASI was able to reach high levels of predictive validity, especially

Reevaluated Psychometric Properties of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised

New research elucidates the psychometric properties of the Psychopathy-Checklist Revised (PCLR) while

Interpersonal-Affective and Antisocial-Impulsive Psychopathic Traits Influence Drug Use Differently in Men and Women

Antisocial-Impulsive psychopathic traits may serve as a risk factor for drug use

Perceptions of Social Inequality and Criminal Stereotypes May Influence Attitudes Toward Punitive Responses to Criminals

The following study identifies a functional link between perceptions of social structure,

Precondition Model May Be Beneficial for Understanding Female Sex Offenders

The Precondition Model, typically used with male sex offenders, is useful for

Videoconference Legal Consultations May Be Just as Satisfying to Defendants as In-Person Consultations

Videoconference consultation between attorneys and clients yields similar client (criminal defendant) satisfaction

Learn the Rules to Reduce the Effects of Stereotypes in Legal Decision-Making

“Learning legal rules, which provide explicit direction as to the correct outcome

The CAPP Provides Support for a Bi-Factor Model of Psychopathy

The CAPP captures psychopathy using a bi-factor model of psychopathy with one

Non-Illness Based Motivations for Violence Require Consideration among Persons with Major Mental Illness

While illness-based motivational influences appear to be the primary influence for violence

What Works and What Doesn’t – Bias Awareness and Correction Strategies Among Forensic Evaluators

Initial inquiry into bias awareness in forensic psychological evaluation sheds light on

(Anti)Social Influence on Adolescent Offenders with Psychopathic Traits

Social environment and antisocial influence of peers may play a role in

PAI May Be Helpful for Gender-Responsive Assessment of Female Inmate Misconduct

Some of the Personality Assessment Inventory’s (PAI) subscales may be predictive of

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