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Translating Research into Practice

Michael Perlin’s Keynote Address on International Disability Law

Professor Michael Perlin presents the keynote address on International Human Rights and

SSPI Bolsters Validity for STABLE-2007’s Deviant Sexual Interest Items

The SSPI significantly added to the predictive accuracy of the STABLE-2007 in

Factors that Predict Severe and Repeated Aggression in Forensic Psychiatric Inpatients

Discriminant model correctly predicts 74.2% of severe repetitive aggressors in forensic psychiatric

Sequential Lineup Procedure Shows Advantage over Simultaneous

Overall, eyewitness identification performance is poor; however, the sequential procedure used in

Non-Violent, Repeat Offenders Impact the Accuracy of Risk Assessments

Specification of outcome can significantly improve the predictive accuracy of both actuarial

Mental Health and Substance Use Associated with Criminal Activity in Adolescent Inpatients

Older age, male gender, previous admission to a psychiatric facility, a history

Mental Illness not a Reliable Predictor of Sex Offender Recidivism

Presence of mental illness is less related to risk and needs but

John Philipsborn’s Keynote Address: Putting Our Jargon into Your Jargon (video)

John Philipsborn presented one of the Keynote Addresses at the Annual Meeting

Criminogenic Factors and Psychotic Symptoms Predict Arrest Rates Among People With Serious Mental Illnesses

Criminogenic factors and psychotic symptoms are both useful variables in assessing risk

Keynote Address at the American Psychology-Law Society meeting presented by Dr. Itiel Dror (video)

Dr. Itiel Dror presents the Keynote Address at the Annual Meeting of

Juror Ratings of Risk Appear Dependent Upon Communication Format in Static-99R Reports

Prospective jurors draw different conclusions about reported Static-99R scores depending on whether

Dr. Patricia Zapf presents her Presidential Address at the American Psychology-Law Society meeting (video)

Dr. Patricia Zapf, President of the American Psychology-Law Society, presents her address

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