Planning a Group Training for Your Organization
Planning a group training within your company may seem like a daunting
Mindfulness Activity #26
Gratitude Mindfulness Practice Today’s practice is about gratitude. Why should we practice
Mindfulness Activity #55
Half Speed Mindfulness I decided to write a mindfulness practice for people
COVID-19 Resources for Psychologists
The American Psychological Association has compiled COVID-19 resources to ensure that the
Mindfulness Activity #54
Mindfulness to Changing Emotions Good Morning. Have you ever had the thought,
Mindfulness Activity #53
Mindful Cup of Coffee In honor of Mother’s Day, today’s mindfulness is
Mindfulness Activity #52
Radical Acceptance Today as I write this sunny day in May, I
A Longstanding Clinical Oversight? Protective Factors May be Central to Accurate Violence Risk Assessment
Using a pseudo-prospective design, the predictive and incremental validity of protective factors
Mindfulness Activity #51
April Rain Mindfulness Good Morning. Today where I am sitting and writing,
Mindfulness Activity #50
Qi-gong I used to work at the Criminal Court Building in lower
Mindfulness Activity #49
Hygge Mindfulness Practice Denmark consistently ranks as one of the happiest places
Mindfulness Activity #48
Shinrin-Yoko In Japan, a practice called shinrin-yoku or forest bathing is popular.