Mindfulness Activity #39
Drinking Tea Mindfulness Today’s practice is inspired by tea. If you have
Mindfulness Activity #38
Good Morning! One of the ways in which mindfulness helps us in
Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue, and Burnout: What causes them and how do we prevent them?
Much research is needed to understand the impact of what is referred
Mindfulness Activity #37
Breath is Always Available Today, I would like to share with you
Mindfulness Activity #36
Letting Go of Ineffective Patterns As I am writing to you this
Mindfulness Activity #35
Persistence Mindfulness I think it is safe to say that we are
Mindfulness Activity #34
Today, I thought we would talk about loneliness. Loneliness is in the
Mindfulness Activity #33
Mindfulness for Boredom: Beginner’s Mind We have all been quarantining, self-isolating, or
Mindfulness Activity #32
Many mindfulness practices involve sitting and focusing on breath. They are valuable
Mindfulness Activity #31
As I look out my window this morning and hear the birds,
Mindfulness Activity #30
Loving Kindness for Loss It has been over a month since many
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Perpetrators of Violent Offenses: The Other Side of the Coin
Incarcerated offenders are more likely to experience Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and