Peace and Calm
Good Morning. Today’s practice is often considered a winding down practice. You can do it before sleep. Savasana (pronounced sha-va-sunah), is a yoga practice that ends many yoga classes. Savasana is also called corpse pose. It is a deep relaxing, restorative pose.
Most of you will be beginning your day with today’s practice. It’s also great for stress and to increase calm when feeling overwhelmed.
SO to begin today’s practice lie on your back with feet slightly open and palms relaxed and facing upwards. Take a deep breath in and out. Alternate between pointing toes down to the floor and then on an inhale pull them back towards you to stretch and activate your muscles. If you like, you can stretch your arms overhead and relax. When you return to the beginning position—relaxed with feet apart, hands facing upwards, click this link to practice this brief guided savasana.
6-minute guided Savasana
20-minute guided Savasana
Relaxing your body can help to relax the mind and to create a state of equanimity in busy or chaotic times.
Wishing you all peace and calm!