Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Activity #195

Join My Brief Mindfulness Practice Today Good Morning! Cold and rainy here…thought

eHealth in the Forensic Context – What are our Next Steps?

eHealth and Telehealth technologies are booming in the clinical psychological field, however

Mindfulness Activity #194

Willfulness Good Morning. Nothing grows willfulness and anger like willfulness in others.

Mindfulness Activity #193

Using Mindfulness to Regulate Mood Good Morning. One of the main benefits

Investigative Interviewing with Minimally Verbal Adults – Best Practices and New Findings

Investigative interviewing with minimally verbal adults requires a unique scaffolding approach for

Mindfulness Activity #192

Balance Filter Good Morning. Each morning, I get an email that digests

Mindfulness Activity #191

Observe Leaves for Three Minutes Good Morning. Today’s practice involves simply observing

Mindfulness Activity #190

Fall Mindfulness Good Morning. Today is an absolutely beautiful fall morning. So,

Sexually Violent Predator Commitment – What We Know and What Works

Sexually Violent Predator commitment evaluations are intended to ensure public safety and

Mindfulness Activity #189

Befriending Your Experience Good morning. The great mindfulness teacher, Jon Kabat Zinn

Mindfulness Activity #188

Acceptance Again Good Morning! Today’s practice is about learning to accept. We

Mindfulness Activity #187

Brief Mindfulness Good Morning. Today’s practice is a very brief practice. Use

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

