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Translating Research into Practice

Examining the Unexplored Stigmas of Imprisoned Individuals in Mexico

Self-stigma and the correlates of self-stigma were explored in a sample of

Predicting Suicide Attempts in Psychiatric Inpatient Samples – Do Shut Down” Behaviors Matter?

Attending to the absence, rather than the presence of “shut down” behaviors,

A Lens on Criminal Responsibility Evaluations in Missouri

An analyses of criminal responsibility evaluations by forensic evaluators in Missouri reveals

Tele-Forensic Interviews Work with Child Witnesses

Face-to-face and tele-forensic (on screen) interviews elicit similar amounts of accurate and

How COVID-19 Changed the Landscape of Forensic Evaluations: The Utility and Future of Telehealth in Examinations

The existing data on the pros and cons of using telehealth platforms

Color coding, numbering, and “Wh”- questions in child interviews: What gets the best results?

Researchers and interviewers should be attentive to the tradeoffs in encouraging children

The Impact of Shame and Intrusive Memories in Adult Men with Criminal Justice Involvement

Almost half of the individuals in a Canadian sample of justice-involved adult

Factors to address to effectively decrease the rate of restoration readmissions

Immigrant status, absence of suspected feigning according to psychological testing and evaluator

Under the Armor: the Vulnerability that Underlies Aggression

In a sample of adolescent boys in a Dutch secure residential treatment

A Typology of Defendants Found Incompetent

Forensic evaluators and judges should recognize the decreased probability of restoration among

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