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Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Activity #22

Good Morning! Today’s exercise involves the practice of loving kindness. This practice

Mindfulness Activity #21

Good Morning… It is a rainy day here where I am writing

Mindfulness Activity #20

Good Morning! There is a strong body of research that indicates the

Ethical guidance from APA for the COVID-19 era

The American Psychological Association has compiled advice from psychologists on ethical practice,

Mindfulness Activity #19

Good Morning, It is so easy to just “go through the motions”

Mindfulness Activity #18

There are usually rhythms and schedules that structure and mark movement through

Mindfulness Activity #17

Yesterday, I was speaking with a friend in Canada who runs a

Mindfulness Activity #16

Radical Acceptance Mindfulness People say there are things that should never happen

Bail reform: Public’s opinion on using pretrial risk assessment algorithms

Incorporating the public’s opinion into the decision-making process may promote the legitimacy

Mindfulness Activity #15

Good Morning! Have you ever had days where you are trying not

Mindfulness Activity #14

It is the first of April and on the East Coast, in

Mindfulness Activity #13

Today’s practice is about emotions. Our recent circumstances have increased the frequency

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Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

