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(SizeLimitingPyMap: {badge_earning=true, ce_hours_dropdown=20, certificate=[MENTAL DISABILITY LAW], course_image=, course_type=On Demand, id=611945327, in_partnership_with__search_=MDLPA, is_published=Yes, length=20 hours, name=MDLPA: Mental Disability Law and Criminal Law, page_url=MDLPA-Mental-Disability-Law-and-Criminal-Law, partner_logo_url=, presented_by=Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates (MDLPA), price__usd_=500, product_id=Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC80MTg4NDA1MjkxNDQwOQ==, speciality_category=[Certificates | Forensic, Neuropsychology | Clinical, Neuropsychology | Forensic, Civil | Forensic, Criminal | Forensic, Diversity | Forensic], specialty_area=[Forensic], thinkific_course_id=890390}) The result is HELLO (Integer: 413)

Course Catalog

Browse over 100 self-paced continuing and professional studies programs .

 Tele-Mental Health Risk Assessment 1.5 Hours / 1.5 CEs
Karen Roller, PhD
Florence Saint-Jean, PhD
Kelly Coker, PhD

Tele-Mental Health Risk Assessment

Available On Demand
 Tele-Mental Health Risk Assessment 1.5 Hours / 1.5 CEs
Karen Roller, PhD
Florence Saint-Jean, PhD
Kelly Coker, PhD

Tele-Mental Health Risk Assessment

Available On Demand
 That Which We Do Not Know: Autism and Threat 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Stephanie Leite, PhD

That Which We Do Not Know: Autism and Threat

Available On Demand
 That Which We Do Not Know: Autism and Threat 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Stephanie Leite, PhD

That Which We Do Not Know: Autism and Threat

Available On Demand
 The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence 10 Hours / 10 CEs
Gianni Pirelli, PhD, ABPP

The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence

Available On Demand
 The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence 10 Hours / 10 CEs
Gianni Pirelli, PhD, ABPP

The Behavioral Science of Firearms: A Mental Health Perspective on Guns, Suicide, and Violence

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Expert Testimony 1 hour / 1 CE
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Expert Testimony

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Expert Testimony 1 hour / 1 CE
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Expert Testimony

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Long Reports 1 hour / 1 CE
Brianne Layden, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Long Reports

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Long Reports 1 hour / 1 CE
Brianne Layden, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Long Reports

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Oral Reports and Feedback Sessions 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Oral Reports and Feedback Sessions

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Oral Reports and Feedback Sessions 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Oral Reports and Feedback Sessions

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Short Reports 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Short Reports

Available On Demand
 The Importance of Risk Communication: Short Reports 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

The Importance of Risk Communication: Short Reports

Available On Demand
 The Neuroscience of Addiction and the Role of Medications in Treatment and Recovery 2 Hours / 2 CEs
Mita M Johnson, Ed.D

The Neuroscience of Addiction and the Role of Medications in Treatment and Recovery

Available On Demand
 The Neuroscience of Addiction and the Role of Medications in Treatment and Recovery 2 Hours / 2 CEs
Mita M Johnson, Ed.D

The Neuroscience of Addiction and the Role of Medications in Treatment and Recovery

Available On Demand
 The Role of Consultants and Expert Witness in Cases of Disputed Confessions 10 Hours / 10 CEs
Brian Cutler, PhD
Jeffrey Kaplan, MSc

The Role of Consultants and Expert Witness in Cases of Disputed Confessions

Available On Demand
 The Role of Consultants and Expert Witness in Cases of Disputed Confessions 10 Hours / 10 CEs
Brian Cutler, PhD
Jeffrey Kaplan, MSc

The Role of Consultants and Expert Witness in Cases of Disputed Confessions

Available On Demand