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(SizeLimitingPyMap: {badge_earning=true, ce_hours_dropdown=20, certificate=[MENTAL DISABILITY LAW], course_image=, course_type=On Demand, id=611945327, in_partnership_with__search_=MDLPA, is_published=Yes, length=20 hours, name=MDLPA: Mental Disability Law and Criminal Law, page_url=MDLPA-Mental-Disability-Law-and-Criminal-Law, partner_logo_url=, presented_by=Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates (MDLPA), price__usd_=500, product_id=Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC80MTg4NDA1MjkxNDQwOQ==, speciality_category=[Certificates | Forensic, Neuropsychology | Clinical, Neuropsychology | Forensic, Civil | Forensic, Criminal | Forensic, Diversity | Forensic], specialty_area=[Forensic], thinkific_course_id=890390}) The result is HELLO (Integer: 407)

Course Catalog

Browse over 100 self-paced continuing and professional studies programs .

 AAFP: Differentiating Delusional Disorder from Extreme Beliefs: An introduction to the 17-Factor Model 4 Hours / 4 CEs
Mark Cunningham, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Differentiating Delusional Disorder from Extreme Beliefs: An introduction to the 17-Factor Model

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Differentiating Delusional Disorder from Extreme Beliefs: An introduction to the 17-Factor Model 4 Hours / 4 CEs
Mark Cunningham, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Differentiating Delusional Disorder from Extreme Beliefs: An introduction to the 17-Factor Model

Available On Demand
 AAFP: DSM-5 Developments for Forensic Applications 6 hours / 6 CEs
Christina A. Pietz, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: DSM-5 Developments for Forensic Applications

Available On Demand
 AAFP: DSM-5 Developments for Forensic Applications 6 hours / 6 CEs
Christina A. Pietz, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: DSM-5 Developments for Forensic Applications

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethical and Effective Expert Testimony 6 hours / 6 CEs
Joel Dvoskin, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethical and Effective Expert Testimony

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethical and Effective Expert Testimony 6 hours / 6 CEs
Joel Dvoskin, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethical and Effective Expert Testimony

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Practice 4 hours / 4 CEs
Michelle R. Guyton, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Practice

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Practice 4 hours / 4 CEs
Michelle R. Guyton, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Practice

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Psychology 4 hours / 4 CEs
Bob Stinson, PsyD, JD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Psychology

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Psychology 4 hours / 4 CEs
Bob Stinson, PsyD, JD, ABPP

AAFP: Ethics in Forensic Psychology

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluating Risk in Child Pornography Offenders 4 hours / 4 CEs
Kostas A. Katsavdakis, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluating Risk in Child Pornography Offenders

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluating Risk in Child Pornography Offenders 4 hours / 4 CEs
Kostas A. Katsavdakis, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluating Risk in Child Pornography Offenders

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluating Youth Facing Long Term Sentences in Adult Court 4 hours / 4 CEs
Antoinette Kavanaugh, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluating Youth Facing Long Term Sentences in Adult Court

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluating Youth Facing Long Term Sentences in Adult Court 4 hours / 4 CEs
Antoinette Kavanaugh, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluating Youth Facing Long Term Sentences in Adult Court

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluation of Children In Personal Injury Cases 4 hours / 4 CEs
Jemour A. Maddux Psy.D., ABPP

AAFP: Evaluation of Children In Personal Injury Cases

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluation of Children In Personal Injury Cases 4 hours / 4 CEs
Jemour A. Maddux Psy.D., ABPP

AAFP: Evaluation of Children In Personal Injury Cases

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluation of Fitness for Duty - Foundations and Methods 6 hours / 6 CEs
David M. Corey, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluation of Fitness for Duty - Foundations and Methods

Available On Demand
 AAFP: Evaluation of Fitness for Duty - Foundations and Methods 6 hours / 6 CEs
David M. Corey, PhD, ABPP

AAFP: Evaluation of Fitness for Duty - Foundations and Methods

Available On Demand