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(SizeLimitingPyMap: {badge_earning=true, ce_hours_dropdown=20, certificate=[MENTAL DISABILITY LAW], course_image=, course_type=On Demand, id=611945327, in_partnership_with__search_=MDLPA, is_published=Yes, length=20 hours, name=MDLPA: Mental Disability Law and Criminal Law, page_url=MDLPA-Mental-Disability-Law-and-Criminal-Law, partner_logo_url=, presented_by=Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates (MDLPA), price__usd_=500, product_id=Z2lkOi8vc2hvcGlmeS9Qcm9kdWN0VmFyaWFudC80MTg4NDA1MjkxNDQwOQ==, speciality_category=[Certificates | Forensic, Neuropsychology | Clinical, Neuropsychology | Forensic, Civil | Forensic, Criminal | Forensic, Diversity | Forensic], specialty_area=[Forensic], thinkific_course_id=890390}) The result is HELLO (Integer: 407)

Course Catalog

Browse over 100 self-paced continuing and professional studies programs .

 Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth 3 Hours / 3 CEs
HaeSung Han, Psy.D.
Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D

Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth

Available On Demand
 Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth 3 Hours / 3 CEs
HaeSung Han, Psy.D.
Kirsten Byrnes, Psy.D

Risk and Intervention for Sexually Exploited and Trafficked Youth

Available On Demand
 Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol Version 2 (RSVP-V2) 15 hours / 15 CEs
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol Version 2 (RSVP-V2)

Available On Demand
 Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol Version 2 (RSVP-V2) 15 hours / 15 CEs
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

Risk for Sexual Violence Protocol Version 2 (RSVP-V2)

Available On Demand
 Risk Formulation 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

Risk Formulation

Available On Demand
 Risk Formulation 1 hour / 1 CE
Kelly A. Watt, PhD

Risk Formulation

Available On Demand
 Risk Management for Custody Evaluators and Court Involved Therapists 10 hours / 10 CEs
David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP

Risk Management for Custody Evaluators and Court Involved Therapists

Available On Demand
 Risk Management for Custody Evaluators and Court Involved Therapists 10 hours / 10 CEs
David A. Martindale, PhD, ABPP

Risk Management for Custody Evaluators and Court Involved Therapists

Available On Demand
 Role of the Expert Witness in Establishing the Relationship Between Maternal Mental Illness & Criminally Charged Behaviour 6 Hours / 6 CEs
Gina Wong, PhD
Diana Lynn Barnes, PsyD

Role of the Expert Witness in Establishing the Relationship Between Maternal Mental Illness & Criminally Charged Behaviour

Available On Demand
 Role of the Expert Witness in Establishing the Relationship Between Maternal Mental Illness & Criminally Charged Behaviour 6 Hours / 6 CEs
Gina Wong, PhD
Diana Lynn Barnes, PsyD

Role of the Expert Witness in Establishing the Relationship Between Maternal Mental Illness & Criminally Charged Behaviour

Available On Demand
 SARA Research Update 1.5 hours / 1.5 CEs
P. Randall Kropp, PhD

SARA Research Update

Available On Demand
 SARA Research Update 1.5 hours / 1.5 CEs
P. Randall Kropp, PhD

SARA Research Update

Available On Demand
 Scenario Planning 1 hour / 1 CE
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

Scenario Planning

Available On Demand
 Scenario Planning 1 hour / 1 CE
Stephen D. Hart, PhD

Scenario Planning

Available On Demand
 Sedentary Behavior: Implications for Health and Wellness 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Jerrod Brown, PhD

Sedentary Behavior: Implications for Health and Wellness

Available On Demand
 Sedentary Behavior: Implications for Health and Wellness 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Jerrod Brown, PhD

Sedentary Behavior: Implications for Health and Wellness

Available On Demand
 Self-Care for Threat Assessment and Management Professionals 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Brianne Layden, PhD

Self-Care for Threat Assessment and Management Professionals

Available On Demand
 Self-Care for Threat Assessment and Management Professionals 3 Hours / 3 CEs
Brianne Layden, PhD

Self-Care for Threat Assessment and Management Professionals

Available On Demand