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Translating Research into Practice

It’s difficult, but you are doing a great job: The effect of interviewer’s support on child abuse victim’s reluctance in interviews

Interviewer’s support can mitigate child abuse victim’s reluctance, thus increasing the informativeness

Current Treatment Modalities May Not Fully Address the Heterogeneity of Psychopathology in Dual Diagnosis Forensic Inpatient Populations

This study sought to clarify the psychiatric and criminological characteristics among Belgian

APLS 2019 Presidential Address by Dr. Kevin Douglas

Dr. Kevin Douglas presented his Presidential address--Accomplishments and Aspirations: The Role of

AAFP Distinguished Contributions Award Address by Dr. Stephen Hart

Dr. Stephen Hart was awarded the American Academy of Forensic Psychology's Distinguish

Targeting Implicit Criminal Cognition in Policies and Intervention Programs

Criminal cognition outside of conscious awareness or conscious control may be a

Ward Climate? Research Shows: Still No Operationalized Definition

Ward climate is often used to refer to the material, social, and

The impact of gender and views of sexualization on sexual harassment judgments

Modern potential jurors are more aware of the false confession phenomenon, with

When innocent confess: Modern potential jurors’ attitude toward false confessions

Modern potential jurors are more aware of the false confession phenomenon, with

Caution!: Underdiagnosis of Substance Use Disorders in Forensic Populations Overlooks Criminogenic Treatment Need

Research suggests that co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD) is prevalent among adults

Two Early Intervention Targets for Juvenile Recidivism: Prior Victimization and Substance Use

Prior victimization significantly predicted whether a youth had future contact with the

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy within the Risk Need Responsivity Framework Reduces Recidivism

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) exemplifies all the components of Cognitive-Behavioral programs that

Predeliberation Juror Discussion Leads to Bias in Jury Deliberation

Discussion of trial evidence by jurors, prior to jury deliberation, can introduce

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