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Translating Research into Practice

Self-Reported anti-social attitudes may not be a valid indicator of risk of reoffending .. and more

Self-reported within-treatment change in antisocial attitudes may not provide valid information about

General Intelligence Is a More Robust Predictor of Competency Restoration than a Measure of Externalizing Behaviors

The present study evaluated whether specific aspects of psychopathological constructs assessed by

Parents’ understanding of the child welfare system

Although parent’s understanding of the juvenile dependency system is crucial to the

ADHD Symptoms and Antisocial Traits Associated with Higher No-Show Rates

Sixty male patients with ADHD who received treatment in a Dutch forensic

Managing and Treating individuals who have been found not guilty by reason of insanity

Violence risk assessments did not predict long-term outcomes for insanity acquittees in

Challenging the witness incompetence myth: Forensic interviews with individuals with intellectual disability

Individuals with intellectual disability are able to participate in criminal investigation and

Research Shows: No Consensus on Optimal Long-Term Treatment for Forensic Patients

This rapid review summarizes available research on the definition, prevalence, characteristics, and

Addressing Trauma via Juvenile Probation Officer’s Treatment Planning

Juvenile Probation Officers recognize trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress symptom information, but

Et tu, friend? Confessions and corroborating alibis among friends and strangers

Knowledge of a confession may alter the willingness to corroborate alibi even

Extra! Extra! Read all about it: The impact of pretrial media coverage on the right to fair trial in capital cases

Pretrial publicity in capital cases tends to be highly negative, sensationalistic, and

Guilty after proven innocent: Perceptions of exonerees’ innocence and reintegration support services

Exonerees who were wrongfully convicted based on false confessions were perceived to

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Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

