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Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Activity #68

Gratitude for Freedom Good Morning. Today is Memorial Day in the

Are Brain Abnormalities Implicated in Interpersonal Violence? Results of an Imaging Study

The present study investigated the prevalence and nature of structural brain abnormalities

One size cannot fit all: Investigative interview techniques with minimally verbal adults

Minimally verbal adults can provide useful event-related information when interviewed using appropriate

Online Courses: Four Ways to Stay Focused

One of the advantages that professionals appreciate most about the way technology

The Neuropsychology of Anger: Looking Through the Lens of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The present study examined the relationship between anger and neuropsychological functioning in

Integration of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Principles Into Juvenile Probation Case Planning

Researchers should use implementation science methods to create and test decision-making supports

A route to police abuse? The relation between police officers’ concern appearing racist and their attitude about use of force

Negative stereotypes of police officers can potentially undermine officer morale and public

Facilitating disclosure among adolescent victims of sex trafficking

Novel interviewing approaches for youth who have been victims of sex trafficking,

Why More Employers Are Looking for Candidates With Certifications and Specialized Skills

There are many challenges for those trying to secure a job. Employers

No Neurocognitive Blueprint for Crime: Significant Differences in Executive Functioning Between Two Forensic Populations

The current study compared the inhibition, shifting, and working memory components of

The importance of fostering positive police-youth interventions

Mothers’ attitudes toward police shape their children’s attitudes. This is particularly important

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

