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Translating Research into Practice

The role of risk assessment instruments and algorithms in criminal justice decision making.

Providing judges with risk assessment information about a defendant increased the severity

Mindfulness Activity #89

Quick Mindfulness Good Morning! This morning, I have a meeting to work

Mindfulness Activity #88

On Changing the World Good Morning. I have been thinking about change.

Mindfulness Activity #87

Allowing Natural Change Good Morning. Sometimes when we have a problem or

Increasing emotional support and rapport building in forensic interviews of child abuse victims

Utilizing the Revised National Institute of Child and Health Development Protocol while

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 5 – Breakout Rooms

Gratitude for The Weekend Good Morning. It is a beautiful, sunny morning

Mindfulness Activity #86

Gratitude for The Weekend Good Morning. It is a beautiful, sunny morning

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 4 – Polls, Surveys & Quizzes

Presenting a workshop to an online audience is not without its challenges.

Mindfulness Activity #85

Mindfulness When You Don’t Feel Like It Good Morning. Lots of times

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 3 – Chats & Open Discussions

Presenting a workshop to an online audience is not without its challenges.

Mindfulness Activity #84

Mindful Listening Good

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 2 – Ice Breakers

Presenting a workshop to an online audience is not without its challenges.

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

