Translating Research into Practice

Mindfulness Post #116

Savasana This week’s mindfulness practices have provided opportunities to push yourself in

Mindfulness Activity #115

Embracing the Difficulties of Mindfulness Practice Good Morning. This past week our

Mindfulness Activity #114

Embracing Your Worst Tasks Good Morning. We have been discussing courage…the courage

Mindfulness Activity #113

Increasing Courage Good Morning. Yesterday, we focused on the topic of vulnerability.

Mindfulness Activity #112

Vulnerability Yesterday, we focused on the idea of mindfulness for creativity and

Mindfulness Activity #111

Good Morning. Time Magazine released an issue on the “mindfulness revolution. Business

Mindfulness Activity #110

Mindfulness for Natural Happiness In today’s rush, we all think too much—seek

Mindfulness Activity #109

Gratitude “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have

Mindfulness Activity #108

Fourth of July Mindfulness Good Morning. Today is a holiday…the Fourth of

Mindfulness Activity #107

Self-Acceptance Day 5 Good Morning. This week we are working on self-compassion.

Mindfulness Activity #106

Self-Acceptance-Day 4 Good Morning. As we continue this series on self-acceptance, I

Mindfulness Activity #105

Self-Acceptance Day 3 Good Morning. This quote by fashion designer, Diane Von

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

