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Translating Research into Practice

Who is more likely to experience seclusion? Research seeks to uncover factors predicting in-patient seclusion in forensic psychiatric units

Factors predicting forensic in-patient seclusion are unclear, however some key demographic and

Evidence for strengths based approaches? Assessing protective factors in violent offenders

Assessment of protective factors provides an under-utilized but highly effective are of

Promise for Remote Assessment of Self-Injury: Reliability and Validity of the SITBI-R in both Interview and Online Format

Interview and Online assessment of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors show equal validity

Evidence-based group therapy for specific offenses: Are we doing them, and doing them well?

Specific offenses often have distinct criminogenic and therapeutic needs. Group treatments tailored

The person behind the badge? Depersonalization and its harms in police culture

Traditional police culture has promoted emotional detachment and depersonalization, particularly in officer-public

Psychopathy – Can we treat it? The effects of Compassion-Focused Therapy on detained youth

Psychopathic traits are often thought to be extremely treatment-resistant. However, Compassion-Focused Therapy

Mindfulness in Prisons – Does it work?

Mindfulness-based therapies have grown in popularity over recent years. Evidence shows that

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 5 – Breakout Rooms

Gratitude for The Weekend Good Morning. It is a beautiful, sunny morning

Presenting an Online Workshop – Tips for Engaging your Audience: Part 4 – Polls, Surveys & Quizzes

Presenting a workshop to an online audience is not without its challenges.

We hope you find our resources helpful!

Contributors for our resources include a variety of subject matter experts that share practical career development and guidance and business best practices not typically taught during grad school. We have carefully curated our messaging and topics to share the most relevant information and a variety of diverse subjects to provide a broader understanding of mental health counseling.

