Learn the Rules to Reduce the Effects of Stereotypes in Legal Decision-Making
“Learning legal rules, which provide explicit direction as to the correct outcome
(Anti)Social Influence on Adolescent Offenders with Psychopathic Traits
Social environment and antisocial influence of peers may play a role in
Childhood Trauma and Risk Factors for Institutional Violence
This large study of a cohort of all admissions to a national
Behaviorally Specific Detailed Assessment Tools Uncover More Intimate Partner Violence Victimization
Behaviorally specific, detailed assessment tools with more items inquiring about different violent
Mental Health Courts adhering to the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model lower recidivism risk
The Risk-Need-Responsivity model may be an effective case management approach for MHCs
The Role of Callous-Unemotional Traits within Adolescent Group Offending
Callous-Unemotional (CU) traits are associated with a greater likelihood of adolescents offending
Sequential Lineup Procedure Shows Advantage over Simultaneous
Overall, eyewitness identification performance is poor; however, the sequential procedure used in
Criminogenic Factors and Psychotic Symptoms Predict Arrest Rates Among People With Serious Mental Illnesses
Criminogenic factors and psychotic symptoms are both useful variables in assessing risk
Examining the Complex Relationships Among Mental Illness, Criminal Risk, Recidivism and Parole Release Status
Serious mental illness exhibits a significant indirect effect with recidivism when considering
The General Public Holds a More Positive Perception of the Police than Do People with Mental Illness
The general public holds a more positive perception of the police than
Psychiatric Symptoms Do Not Precede Criminal Behavior for the Majority of Mentally Ill Offenders
Psychiatric symptoms do not precede criminal behavior for the majority of mentally