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Translating Research into Practice

A Case Study using the HCR-20 Version 3 (Video)

Dr. Caroline Logan spoke at the International launch of the HCR-20 Version

How to Successfully Implement the HCR-20 in Practice (Video)

Version 3 of the HCR-20 was recently published. The International launch for

How the Limitations and Weaknesses of the HCR-20 were Remedied in Version 3 (Video)

The HCR-20 was first published in 1993 and then revised in 1995.

Development Process for the HCR-20 Version 3 (Video)

The HCR-20 is a risk assessment instrument used throughout the world to

Overview of the HCR-20 Version 3 Administration Procedure (Video)

Recently in Edinburgh, Scotland the International launch for Version 3 of the

The Evolution of the Structured Professional Judgement Approach to Risk Assessment (Video)

I recently had the chance to travel to Edinburgh, Scotland for the

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