Mindfulness with Bells
Good Morning. I usually try to practice with eyes open, because life happens with our eyes open. Today though, I thought we could try a mindfulness practice designed to be done with eyes closed. The task for this mindfulness is to listen to a series of bells and to concentrate on following each sound from its beginning until it concludes. This practice takes five minutes.
Cue up the clip past the ads so it is ready to begin. Sit tall, or lay down on a mat or bed if you prefer. Breathe in deeply and when you are ready, click the following link. Try not to forget to continue to take deep breaths in and out as you concentrate on the sounds of the bells.
When you are finished, notice how you feel. Just taking a few minutes to pay attention to literally anything in the present moment grounds us deeply and reminds us to breathe while doing whatever it is we will do today. Try to stay as connected as you were to the bells to everything you do today—listening to others, engaging in activities, or eating.
Have a pleasant day!