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Harry Kennedy 2014 IAFMHS Keynote Address

Harry Kennedy 2014 IAFMHS Keynote Address

 iafmhs logocmykDr. Harry Kennedy presents keynote address on Active Management of Length of Stay- The Future of Risk at the 2014 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services.

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IAFMHS Keynote Address

About Dr. Kennedy

Dr. Harry Kennedy, BSc, MD, FRCPI, FRCPsych; Consultant forensic psychiatrist and executive clinical director, National Forensic Mental Health Service, Central Mental Hospital, Dublin 14. Clinical Professor of Forensic Psychiatry TCD. Formally Clinical Director, North London Forensic Service and Hon Senior Lecturer, Royal Free Hospital. Training in UCD, Hammersmith Hospital and Maudsley / Institute of Psychiatry. Established early prison in-research services in Pentonville and Holloway prisons, Cloverhill and Mountjoy. Research includes work on epidemiology of suicide, homicide and violence; anger and mental illness; prison psychiatric morbidity, mental capacity; structured professional judgement and benchmarking admission and discharge criteria in forensic mental health services; international human rights law and mental disabilities. Expert evidence in human rights cases including Whitemoor escapes (special secure units), McA (pregnancy in prisoner), Napier (slopping out), Z & G V Revenue (same sex marriage).