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The racial, economic, and moral injustices Black people, and Indigenous people and People of Color, have experienced in this country are entwined with America’s history of slavery, colonization, racism, and the systemic structures that keep them in place. Our duty, as mental health practitioners, trainers, and helping professionals, is to dismantle these systems as best we can, to ensure that all people are treated equally. While, as a country, we’re very far from that goal, CONCEPT hopes to inspire action and create change with our trainings that are focused both on teaching mental health professionals how to improve police forces through psychological assessment as well as how to best help those that are victims of police brutality and other systemic aggressions. Cultural humility is at the forefront of our training, and in lieu of pretending there isn’t a problem, we’re hoping to step forward and help those in our field create change. We welcome any thoughts, questions, comments, and concerns sent directly to us via, and thank you for working with us to help create a world that we are proud to be in.