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The Cost of Purity

The Cost of Purity


About this Episode:

In this episode, Dr. Jessica Tyler sits down with Dr. Camden Morgante, a licensed clinical psychologist, writer, and speaker, to discuss purity culture. This conversation discusses the problematic messages of purity culture that promote false promises and can activate feelings of shame, guilt, fear, and low self-worth. 

In addition, we address how therapists can mindfully and intentionally work through spiritual trauma, the belief that purity is a measure of worth, the myth of women as gatekeepers of sexuality, and the grief that comes with dismantling the fairytale that purity will earn a person a dream spouse.


About Camden:

Dr. Camden Morgante is a licensed clinical psychologist and adjunct college professor. She writes and speaks about Christianity, psychology, and gender equality and is a regular contributor to Christians for Biblical Equality’s blog Mutuality. She has also been published in Fathom magazine. She is currently writing a book on the myths of purity culture. Camden lives in Knoxville, TN with her husband, their daughter and two rescue dogs.


APA Citation for this Episode:

Tyler, J. (Producer). (2021, August 18). EP210: The Cost of Purity [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor.


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Alexandra I. on Unsplash

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