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Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers

In this episode, Dr. Megan Speciale interviews Jamila Dawson, LMFT and Theodore Burnes, PhD on sex worker-affirming mental healthcare, the topic of their new book, “Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers.” The authors discuss common issues faced by individuals involved in the sex industry, the impact of stigma and whorephobia on the mental and emotional well-being of sex workers, and the clinical priorities of sex worker-affirming counseling centered on sex-positivity and intersectionality.

Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers


In this episode, Dr. Megan Speciale interviews Jamila Dawson, LMFT and Theodore Burnes, PhD on sex worker-affirming mental healthcare, the topic of their new book, “Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers.” The authors discuss common issues faced by individuals involved in the sex industry, the impact of stigma and whorephobia on the mental and emotional well-being of sex workers, and the clinical priorities of sex worker-affirming counseling centered on sex-positivity and intersectionality.


Jamila M. Dawson, LMFT is a sex therapist and sex educator with expertise in trauma, kink/BDSM, and alternative relationships. She is the co-author of With Pleasure: Managing Trauma Triggers for More Vibrant Sex and Relationships and co-author of Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers: A Sex-Positive Handbook for Mental Health Practitioners. Jamila uses social media to share practices, tools, and reflections on sexuality, racial justice, and the restorative possibilities of pleasure. 

Theo Burnes is a licensed clinical psychologist and a licensed professional clinical counselor in California. He’s a professor of clinical education at the University of Southern California. He is the co-editor of The Handbook of CNM-Affirming Mental Health Practice and the co-author of Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers. He maintains a private practice in Los Angeles. 


Learn more about the guests:

IG: jamila.thesextherapist

TW: jamila_dawson

FB: jamila dawson

Purchase the book here: 

** Podcast listeners can receive 25% off Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers (plus free shipping) on the North Atlantic Books website using the code ESSENTIAL25. The print book can only be shipped to U.S.-based mailing addresses. 

More resources:



Speciale, M. (Producer). (2023, December 15). Essential Clinical Care for Sex Workers [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

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