Mindfulness Activity #102

Mindfulness Activity #102

What’s the Most Important Thing?

Good Morning. We have discussed the concept of intention before. It is the idea of using the wisest part of yourself to ask yourself what is most important? It sets a course for where we wish to go with ourselves. But the tricky thing is that we often get obsessed or attached to things along the way. We get inflexible. We needed to do it a particular way. Say you planned to be outside and relax and then it rained. Outside might be lost, but what was most important? Being outside? Or relaxing? It might be tempting to get so annoyed that your plans for relaxing on a sunny day are spoiled that you forget the whole thing. Remembering the intention that we set helps us to accept unexpected turns along the way. Social isolation has been an unexpected turn. It has kept some of us away from our therapists or from our friends or from our families or from activities we most enjoy. If we try to accept twists and turns willingly then we may find we find alternate paths to where we were trying to go. Please watch this brief clip by Shauna Shapiro who describes the concept of intention and remembering what’s most important.

Now today, just do a two-minute practice…walk or sit as you breathe in and out deeply, connecting to the still and clear part of your mind. Ask yourself, what is most important for me today? Breathe until you have a clear sense of what is. When you know, try to remember this thing throughout your day. When you find yourself harried or forgetful of this priority, breathe and bring yourself back to the experience with kind attention.

Wishing you a day close to your intention!
