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Working with Anxiety in School-Aged Youth – Neuroplasticity, Optimizing Stress, and Emotional Freedom Techniques with Amy Gaesser

Working with Anxiety in School-Aged Youth – Neuroplasticity, Optimizing Stress, and Emotional Freedom Techniques with Amy Gaesser
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A conversation with Dr. Amy Gaesser – Assistant Professor Counseling & Development at Purdue University in Indiana – on the effects of anxiety on school-aged youth and adolescents, finding the right balance between no stress and too much stress, and how to use EFT (emotional freedom techniques) to reduce student anxiety in school settings.



Dr. Gaesser is currently an Assistant Professor of Counseling and Development at Purdue University. She received her PhD in Educational Psychology: Counselor Education & Gifted Education from the University of Connecticut, her Masters in Counselor Education from SUNY Brockport, and her Bachelor of Science in Social Work with a minor in Religious Studies from Nazareth College of Rochester. She is a certified New York State School Counselor and a Nationally Certified Counselor with 20+ years of experience in mental health and academia, specializing in school counseling interventions to assist students with a variety of academic, developmental, social, and emotional concerns. Her present research includes addressing the social and emotional well-being of students in school settings; the impact of anxiety on social, emotional, and cognitive functioning; and interventions to reduce anxiety in children and adolescents, including efficacy of therapies incorporating acupoint stimulation, such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

Amy’s LinkedIn profile:

You can email Amy at her Purdue email until August 1:

EFT book for kids –

EFT book for adolescents –

The Coping Cat Manuals:

Dr. Lori Desautels work on educational neuroscience and resources for teachers –

 articles regarding EFT and energy psychology:


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, May 31). Working with Anxiety in School-Aged Youth: Neuroplasticity, Optimizing Stress, and Emotional Freedom Techniques with Amy Gaesser [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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