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What is Personal is Most Universal – A Conversation on Self-Care with Dr. Gregory Moffatt

What is Personal is Most Universal – A Conversation on Self-Care with Dr. Gregory Moffatt


About this Episode:

In this episode, Dr. Allison Kramer interviews Dr. Gregory Moffatt about the impact of his self-disclosure of personal struggle in 2018’s most popular Counseling Today article, “The Hurting Counselor, with a focus on Moffatt’s Mantra: The professional counselor’s ethical imperative to practice routine and crucial self-care.


About Greg:

Greg Mofatt profile pictureDr. Gregory K. Moffatt is a licensed counselor, college professor, published author, newspaper columnist and public speaker. He holds an M.A. in Counseling and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Georgia State University and has taught at the college level for over 30 years. Dr. Moffatt has served as a regular lecturer at the FBI Academy, a profiler with the Atlanta Cold Case Squad, and consultant to numerous airlines, businesses, and schools. He has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX news, as well as America’s Most Wanted. Most recently, he can be seen on the Discovery Channel series Hostage.

Greg’s website:

Greg’s faculty page:

Links and References

Links and References:

The Counseling Today article this episode is based on:


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Kramer, A. (Producer). (2019, March 7). EP118: What is Personal is Most Universal – A Conversation on Self-Care with Dr. Gregory Moffatt [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

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