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Telehealth Best Practices – Moving Your Practice Online with Ray Barrett

Telehealth Best Practices – Moving Your Practice Online with Ray Barrett


About this Episode:

Mike speaks with Ray Barrett on the practical hurtles of moving your counseling practice online during the Covid-19 pandemic. They cover choosing an EHR system, emergency planning, insurance billing, and much more.


About Ray:

Raymond Barrett created Telehealth Certification Institute LLC in May of 2014 with the goals of providing behavioral health providers with the consultation and training they need. Providing telemental health allows them to reach more clients, expand their practice, and give more people access to mental healthcare.

In its six years, Telehealth Certification Institute has expanded to providing telehealth consultations to several different organizations and more than a dozen courses. These courses include training for the telehealth novice, the experienced practitioner, and everyone in between. Students and trainees have the option to participate in Live-webinars, On-site Courses, and Online Self-study Courses. Telehealth Certification Institute has trained over nine thousand clinicians (and counting!), and consistently receives top scores in participant course evaluations.

Due to increased public and governmental interest in telehealth, monetary grants are often available for universities, hospitals, and other organizations to provide their members training in telehealth services. Telehealth Certification Institute participated as a service provider for grant awardees, evaluation, providing consultation, project management, and staff training. Grants for telemental health help increase clinicians’ competency in telehealth and overcome barriers to access.

You can email Ray at

Links and References

Links & Resources:

NBCC Policy Regarding the Provision of Distance Professional Services

AAMFT Online Therapy Guidelines

NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Technology in Social Work Practice


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2020, April 15). EP166: Telehealth Best Practices – Moving Your Practice Online with Ray Barrett [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Alexandre Debiève on Unsplash

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