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Spirituality, Ethics, and Church-Based Counseling – Navigating the Territory with Jane Joyce

Spirituality, Ethics, and Church-Based Counseling – Navigating the Territory with Jane Joyce


About this Episode:

A conversation with Jane Joyce on navigating the ethics of incorporating spirituality and religion in a church-based counseling center.


About Jane:

Jane Joyce profile pictureDr. Jane Joyce received a Doctorate in Administrative Leadership from Carson-Newman University in May, 2018. She is currently the Director of the Blevins Institute for Mental Health and Spirituality at Carson-Newman University as well as a counselor at Lifesource Counseling, First Baptist Church, Morristown, TN. Furthermore, she is the lead counselor for Dr. Kevin Catney’s practice, specializing in opiate addiction treatment.

You can email Jane at

Links and References

Links and References:

The article in Counseling Today:


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2018, July 11). Spirituality, Ethics, and Church-Based Counseling: Navigating the Territory with Jane Joyce [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Aroha Creative

Photo by Karl Fredrickson on Unsplash

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