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Rules Versus Relationships – How Ethical Codes Can Help Counselors CYA, Yet Neglect the Client with Pamela J. Birrell

Rules Versus Relationships – How Ethical Codes Can Help Counselors CYA, Yet Neglect the Client with Pamela J. Birrell
In This Post

A conversation with Dr. Pamela J. Birrell-retired Senior Instructor at the University of Oregon- on the importance of using Relational Ethics to make each moment with clients an ethical moment.



Dr. Pamela J. Birrell earned her Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Oregon, and has been a Licensed Psychologist since 1987. Before retiring, she was a Senior Instructor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon. Currently, she has a private practice in Eugene with a specialty in psychological trauma. She is the co-author of Blind to Betrayal and the author of Ethics and Power: Navigating Mutuality in Therapeutic Relationships. She has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Ethics and Behavior and the Journal of Counseling and Development, or JCD. Her article, Ethics and Relationship: From Risk Management to Relational Engagement, which she co-authored with Cindy Bruns, appeared in the October 2016 issue of the JCD.

You can email Pamela at


The APA citation for this episode:

Kramer, A. (Producer). (2017, July 26). Rules Versus Relationships: How Ethical Codes Can Help Counselors CYA, Yet Neglect the Client with Pamela J. Birrell [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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