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The Quarter-Life Crisis – Taking Seriously the Needs of Millennials with Cyrus Williams (Recast)

The Quarter-Life Crisis – Taking Seriously the Needs of Millennials with Cyrus Williams (Recast)
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In the last recast of the summer, we revisit a conversation with Dr. Cyrus Williams, associate professor at Regent University, about how the “Quarter-Life Crisis” affects millennials and how counselors can best understand and address the needs of this population. Dr. William’s refers to the following resources in the interview:

The Quarter-Life Crisis

Counseling Today Article

You Can contact Dr. Williams at


The APA citation for this episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2017, July 8). Recast – The Quarter-Life Crisis: Taking Seriously the Needs of Millennials with Cyrus Williams [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from

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