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Presence and Authenticity – Taking off your clinical hat & being yourself with Guy MacPherson

Presence and Authenticity – Taking off your clinical hat & being yourself with Guy MacPherson


About this Episode:

A conversation with Guy MacPherson, founder of The Trauma Therapy Project, on owning our own stories and histories, cultivating presence in our work, and is new cause in inner work for practitioners interested in trauma work.


About Guy:

Guy profileGuy Macpherson, PhD, is a husband, a father of two, and holds a doctorate in clinical psychology. His focus is on the study of trauma and early psychosis. In 2014, Guy founded The Trauma Therapist Project with the goals of raising the awareness of trauma and creating an educational, supportive and inspiring community for new trauma workers. The Trauma Therapist Project has now grown to include The Trauma Therapist | Podcast, now being listened to in more than 160 countries around the world, as well as Trauma Therapist | 2.0, an online membership community dedicated to educating and inspiring new trauma workers of all kinds. In addition, Guy recently launched, an online course on inner work for trauma practitioners.

Guy’s website:
Guy’s Facebook page:
Guy’s Twitter handle: @guycmacpherson

Links and References

Links and References: – Use coupon code Mike50 to get $50 off (for the One-Payment option)


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2018, October 3). EP100: Presence and Authenticity – Taking off your clinical hat & being yourself with Guy MacPherson [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

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