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Practicing Forgiveness – A Path Toward Healing with Richard Balkin

Practicing Forgiveness – A Path Toward Healing with Richard Balkin


About this Episode:

Dr. Megan Speciale speaks with Dr. Richard “Rick” Balkin on his forthcoming book, “Practicing Forgiveness: A Path Toward Healing.” In the episode, listeners will learn about the Forgiveness Reconciliation Model, a framework intended to guide people through the complex and often gut-wrenching process of forgiveness that may be used by counselors and clients alike. Listeners can receive 30% off their purchase of the book using the promo code listed in the episode details.


About Rick:

Rick Balkin, Ph.D., LPC, NCC is a Professor, Assistant Department Chair of Leadership and Counselor Education, and Coordinator of Educational Research and Design in the School of Education at the University of Mississippi. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling. Dr. Balkin was the editor for the Journal of Counseling & Development, the flagship journal for the American Counseling Association; an ACA Fellow; and past-president for the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling. Rick began practice as a professional counselor in 1993 and has worked in academe since 2003. Rick has over 90 publications, which include text books on assessment in counseling, research, and the counseling relationship, published tests and technical manuals, peer-reviewed manuscripts, book chapters, and conference proceedings.

His counseling experience with at-risk youth was formative to his research agenda, which includes understanding the role of counseling and relevant goals for adolescents in crisis and counseling outcomes. This led to numerous published articles and one published measure through Mindgarden (Crisis Stabilization Scale) related to assessing and counseling at-risk youth. He coauthored a measure on life balance for adults and adolescents. He has published in the area of religious diversity and forgiveness and developed a model and measure for counseling clients through issues of forgiveness and conflict. He has a forthcoming book with Oxford University Press: Practicing Forgiveness: A Path Toward Healing.


APA Citation for this Episode:

hook, M. (Producer). (2020, November 11). EP192: Practicing Forgiveness – A Path Toward Healing with Richard Balkin [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash

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