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Polyvagal Theory Applied – Moving from Fight or Flight to Social Engagement for Sustainable Living

Polyvagal Theory Applied – Moving from Fight or Flight to Social Engagement for Sustainable Living


About this Episode:

A conversation with Dee Wagner about Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory.  Dee provides easy to understand explanations of polyvagal theory and describes practical suggestions for applying the theory in clinical practice.


About Dee:


Dee Wagner, MS, LPC, BC-DMT, has worked as a counselor and dance/movement therapist at the Link Counseling Center in Atlanta, Georgia for 24 years and as a professional choreographer for over 35 years. She has presented workshops for The American Dance Therapy Association, The Expressive Therapies Summit, The Licensed Professional Counselors Association of Georgia, and Converge17: The International Coach Federation Conference. She has two articles in peer-reviewed professional journals: Polyvagal Theory and Peekaboo: How the therapeutic pas de deux heals attachment trauma in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy and The Big Dance: My love affair with the science of nervous system functioning in Voices: The Art and Science of Psychotherapy (journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapists).

Counseling Today published her articles Polyvagal Theory in Practice, and Using New Nervous System Science to Help Clients with their Digital Dating. The online mindfulness magazine Elephant Journal has published seven of Dee’s articles about various popular applications of polyvagal theory. Asana International Yoga Journal published Yoga and Yogurt: What Mindful People need to Know about the Vagus Nerve, and Movement and Stillness: A Dance Therapist’s Kryia. She is co-creator of a book/workbook that helps with the emotional rollercoaster of digital dating, Naked Online: A DoZen Ways to Grow from Internet Dating.

You can email Dee at


The APA Citation for this Episode:

Miller, R. (Producer). (2018, January 17). Polyvagal Theory Applied: Moving from Fight or Flight to Social Engagement for Sustainable Living [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


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Photo by Tim Stief on Unsplash

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