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Otherness in Relation – Mikhail Bakhtin, Hospitality, and Love with David Crawley

Otherness in Relation – Mikhail Bakhtin, Hospitality, and Love with David Crawley


About this Episode:

A conversation with David Crawley on the intersection of counseling and spiritual direction through the lens of narrative therapy and Mikhail Bakhtin’s work and dialogic interaction.


About Dave:

Dr.David Crawley is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Theology at Laidlaw College. He specialises in the areas of Christian Spirituality and Pastoral Care.

David particularly enjoys helping students find the meeting place between their own stories and the richness to be found in biblical and historical traditions of spirituality. He finds it a privilege to help students explore the foundations of their own growth toward spiritual maturity, and develop spiritual practices that support their engagement in the mission of God in the world. In his ministry-related teaching, David believes strongly in the necessity of understanding and addressing our life issues, with God’s help, as well being acquainted with contemporary theological and theoretical understandings of pastoral care.

David’s PhD research (University of Waikato) explored people’s experiences of unhelpful forms of religious authority, with a view to understanding why this issue arises all too often within Christian communities. Subsequently, much of his research and writing continues to focus on issues of power, particularly as they arise in the context of spiritual care. He has presented on this theme at various conferences, including the American Academy of Religion and the British Association for the Study of Spirituality.

David grew up in rural areas of the South Island, before the family moved north in his high school years. Having studied mathematics at the University of Auckland, he trained and taught as a secondary school maths teacher. During his university years, involvement in Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship inspired him to integrate his faith with academic learning. 

David then came to the Bible College of New Zealand and completed and BTh and MTh (in New Testament) through the Australian College of Theology. In 1990 he was appointed to the teaching staff, and since then has taught Old and New Testament, ethics, spiritual formation and pastoral care.

Alongside his work at BCNZ/Laidlaw, David has trained in spiritual direction and counselling, and is now involved in the training of spiritual directors through Spiritual Growth Ministries. He is also serves as a non-stipendiary Anglican priest in Titirangi. He lives in that part of Auckland with his wife Sarah, where they both enjoy its green, quiet environment (not to mention its cafés!)

Links and References

Stories of Therapy, Stories of Faith


APA Citation for this Episode:

Shook, M. (Producer). (2019, June 5). EP129: Otherness in Relation – Mikhail BakhtinHospitality, and Love with David Crawley [Audio Podcast]. The Thoughtful Counselor. Retrieved from


Thanks to the Following:

Photo by Sarah Vombrack on Unsplash

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